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Your personalized gifts help many people!

by Nuria Vilaseca 29 Jan 2021 0 Comments
¡Vuestros regalos personalizados ayudan a mucha gente!

I want to tell you that thanks to you we have been supporting the construction of a church in a rural community in the state of Oaxaca in Mexico which is called Santa Cruz Mitlatongo.

I want to tell you the whole story because from our reality we take for granted many things that we have and we don't stop to think that it's not like that everywhere in the world. In this case, specifically, it is about a community belonging to the Mixtec ethnic group, which due to fractures in the earth and its subsequent flooding, lost everything and had to be moved to another place to ensure their lives, which meant starting from scratch in every sense. And, one of the things that most affects us is that we have to start from scratch. They were worried about not having a Church where they could protect their saints and be able to go and pray .

Through our anthropologist friend Pame Castillo who works with indigenous peoples in Oaxaca, we learned about this situation and decided that we could contribute our grain of sand so that little by little this community could have a Church again.

Doña Priscila, the village healer, is our contact with the community. Every time she receives money, she feels very proud to be able to manage it for her village. There are also Don Virgilio, Don Jacinto and other municipal authorities who are in charge of buying the materials needed for the construction. It is important to mention that, according to their local system of self-government, no workers are hired, but the people themselves build the church with their own hands.

Thanks to your donation , even in difficult times, they have managed to bring some “sacred stones” with cranes and trucks. that belonged to the old church and have a lot of meaning for them since they were carved by the first Mixtec settlers and are part of their historical memory. In the eyes of other peoples, these stones give them the importance of being an ancient lineage and that is why they want this heritage to continue to live among their people. We know that this project will take many years, but we do not plan to give up because we know that our contributions make a difference. So, Every time you ask us for an engraving we donate one euro to this cause and after a few months we send the money to Mexico for its use.

I am leaving you with several photos so that you can see the location of the town, the progress in construction, the people who are in charge of the project and the stones that are so valuable to them, as are their saints waiting to have a house to live in.

I really appreciate the time you have spent reading this article to get to know this community in depth but especially the contribution you make every time you ask us for a personalized product.

All the best


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