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Why are personalized jewelry so successful?

by Nuria Vilaseca 07 Feb 2020 0 Comments
¿Por qué triunfan tanto las joyas personalizadas?

Look for a gift for someone special It is not an easy task and can even be stressful. At the same time, it can be a fun opportunity to put the stamp of the person giving it and do it to your liking of who is going to receive it.

When you want a gift to convey the affection, love or care you have for that person, you want it to be very, very special, right? Personalizing the jewel you manage to give it a additional value which will make it become an exclusive piece.

When you decide for give a jewel personalized with an engraved message you are spending time thinking that initial, name, drawing, phrase … can surprise and excite that person. A gift like this leaves a much greater emotional mark on the person who receives it. All the pieces, once personalized, make the jewel much more. We continue adding value to that gift! There goes a little bit of you too!

I like the idea that in addition to special dates, birthdays, anniversaries, Mother's Day... there are dates SURPRISE where you can remember the love of your life, your mother, siblings, a friend... how important they are to you.

Tea I leave here the link to our category special products and jewelry to customize, there are more than 100.

With a personalized gift, you are sure to succeed!

Nuria Vilaseca
Online Marketing Manager Tu Cielito Lindo

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